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Spiritual woman holding a handmade crystal dreamcatcher

"a single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities" - Nathaniel Hawthorne

I strongly believe in the power of our dreams. When we are dreaming, both metaphorically and literally, we are allowing ourselves to connect with our inner child, listen to our heart and plant the seeds of our future. As a wise person said, dreams are realities in waiting. This is how Daretodream Creations was born. 

It all started in 2018 when I was finishing my batchelor's degree in Social Work. I started experiencing an overwhelming amount of anxiety, which was something I had not experienced ever in my life up to that point. I knew something was "wrong" but I was so disconnected from my self that I couldn't figure out. So I started a journey of inner exploration in order to find the root causes of my own suffering and hopefully start healing. Up to that point, I had been living a life defined by and dedicated to others. So I started questioning more and more the societal norms and expectations we're supposed to live up to and my curiosity about alternative paths of living started to grow day by day. During that time, I started making dreamcatchers. In the beginning it was a way for me to reconnect with my lost creative side but soon after I realized that this art-making project was giving me purpose and fullfillment. It didn't take too long for me to drop everything and starting working towards my dream of more freedom. My dream was to live a life where time, relationships and creativity are valued more than conventional values. A life where I could be able to work with what brings me joy from wherever I want in the world. Fast forward to now, it's been almost one year that me and my partner sold everything we owned and moved into our van that we call Enriqueta. I recently quit my full time job and left the financial security together with it in order to dedicate my time into the art of creative living. The dream that once seemed far and distant has now become reality and I wouldn't wish to have it in any other way. 

"Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything. Maybe the journey is about un-becoming everything that isn't really you, so you can become who you were meant to be in the first place. Eliminate everything that gives you conflicted feelings and embrace things that resonate with your soul." - Erica Carrico

Daretodream Creations is more than just an online shop. It is a place where creativity, inspiration and ideas are manifested into the physical world. A place that feels like home where you are invited to pause, reflect and just be. 

In the shop, you will find dreamcatchers, jewelry and other home décor. Every creation is mindfully created in order to connect and bring you closer to yourself, the natural world and its healing properties. You will also find semi-precious crystals that will give you guidance in your own spiritual journey. Crystals can be used in so many ways, such as in your yoga or meditation practice, in moon or manifestation rituals, for chakra or reiki healing or as decoration in your lovely home. The options are really endless, but remember that the greatest tool you have is you and the strength that holds within you!

Remember that every great dream, begins with a dreamer. Within yourself holds the power, strength and passion in order for you to reach for the stars and change the world!

Dare to dream, wild child
Love, Alex ☾

Follow @daretodream.creations on instagram

"a single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities"




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